COVID & School Program Status information
UPDATE November 1, 2023
OUR GOAL IS TO KEEP STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN SCHOOL! To this end, we're following the most updated recommendations from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding COVID-19. IDPH guidance relies on school cases and local hospital admission levels to drive school COVID mitigation practices. Per IDPH guidelines, we are not at this time implementing any changes in school-wide masking or testing policies. However, this may change if school case counts or local hospital admissions climb. Also, if a child is exhibiting symptoms while at school we may ask them to mask.
Current CDC and IDPH guidelines say those who test positive for COVID must stay home for 5 days and then may return to school wearing a mask on Days 6-10. Given our overarching goal of keeping students in school, once there is a case of COVID in a given classroom we are recommending that students and teachers in that classroom mask for 10 days. We are also asking siblings of students who test positive for COVID to mask for 10 days in school. No masking is required when outdoors.
Please keep children who are not feeling well at home. Except for cases of COVID, which require 5 days at home, children can return to the classroom once fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine, and 24 hours after diarrhea or vomiting.
We appreciate when families notify us of health concerns so we can communicate and hopefully lessen the impact on the community. We will continue to clean classrooms and work surfaces regularly and remind students to keep their hands clean. There are many opportunities throughout the day to wash hands.
8th Grade Documentary
on Covid-19 Pandemic
Our 2020 Murder of Crows class made a documentary on how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected community residents, local businesses, students, and teachers. They interviewed local experts, including OPRF Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Liz Holt, and Loyola University epidemiologist Dr. David Shoham, and several local business owners. During the project, they met with professional documentary filmmakers, Dan Andries and Anne Northrup, and also planned ways to promote their documentary both to and beyond the TCS community.