Team play and personal challenge combine with a culture of encouragement and inclusion to foster
the love of movement.
Physical Wellness
Physical awareness and health are an integral part of our lives at The Children’s School. Our program stresses the concepts of fitness, community, and play.
Fitness - The Children’s School is fortunate to have indoor and outdoor space to support year round fitness opportunities. Students are taught the joy of physical fitness and the importance of a healthy body. Children play games that develop their balance, rhythm, kicking, throwing, catching, and spatial awareness. As their motor skills develop, children are introduced to more complex activities. The emphasis is on effort and personal growth so that each child experiences Physical Wellness in a positive way.
Community - Students learn to work with their classmates as they move. They learn to respect one another’s physical talents and encourage one another’s abilities. Fair and equal play is an important concept centered on sporting behavior, negotiating with classmates, team building, conflict resolution, and respecting one another’s voices.
Play - Children in our Physical Wellness program play traditional sports such as soccer as well as non-traditional games that facilitate cooperative and imaginative play. Children are encouraged to build on ideas the teacher initiates to create their own games. Invented games teach children how to create inclusive, fun, active play situations for themselves and others.
Focused on these ideas, Physical Wellness becomes a part of the school day that all students can look forward to and participate in fully.