Parent/guardian participation is a unique and integral part of life at The Children’s School. Our program welcomes parents and guardians into the school and celebrates their ability to bring an added dimension to the learning process. Research indicates that parent/guardian involvement in school is directly correlated with student success.
From its inception, The Children's School has incorporated parent/guardian participation in the widest possible spectrum of our activities. We welcome your questions, your suggestions, your financial support, your involvement with your child's education, and your volunteer time within our school community.
Classroom Support
We love to have parents/guardians join us in our classrooms! We encourage you to come and spend a half day or full day joining in all the activities and discussions of the classroom community in order to understand what your child's experience is like.
When parents/guardians are in the classroom, it requires a relationship of trust and mutual respect. The teacher may or may not have specific tasks for volunteers. We ask parents to model excitement about learning by participating enthusiastically in the life of the classroom.
Please note that all classroom volunteers work at the teacher's discretion and that there may be times when a teacher needs to limit the number and/or frequency of parent/guardian volunteers due to the developmental needs of the classroom community. Family volunteers are there to help all children in the classroom. Together we help children understand that sharing a parent/guardian during volunteer days is healthy and enriching.
In order to be effective, our family volunteer system requires parents to maintain strict confidentiality when discussing their time in the classroom. Parents/guardians are asked to share only general information about the school day with others, rather than information about the specific learning needs or behavior of individual students. We also ask all adults regularly volunteering in the school to read and sign our Confidentiality and Sexual Harassment policies.
Schoolwide Support
Hours spent serving on the Board of Directors and doing committee work, as well as other tasks or activities undertaken in support of TCS, all count towards your family's volunteer commitment.
To learn more about working on individual committees, please contact a member of our Board of Directors.